Verb 1

The exercise was created 14.04.2016 by aleij_s. Anzahl Fragen: 15.

Fragen wählen (15)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • kämpa, kämpade, kämpat fight, fought, fought
  • skriva, skrev, skrivit write, wrote, written
  • ge, gav, givit give, gave, given
  • simma, simmade, simmat swim, swam, swum
  • köpa, köpte, köpt buy, bought, bought
  • börja, började, börjat begin, began, begun
  • ha sönder, hade sönder, haft sönder break, broke, broken
  • ta med, tog med, tagit med bring, brought, brought
  • fånga, fångade, fångat catch, caught, caught
  • gräva, grävde, grävt dig, dug, dug
  • göra, gjorde, gjort do, did, done
  • dricka, drack, druckit drink, drank, drunk
  • köra, körde, kört drive, drove, driven
  • känna, kände, känt feel, felt, felt
  • välja, valde, valt choose, chose, chosen

All None

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