Verbläxa 6-10 meningar

The exercise was created 27.01.2022 by Hogaeng8. Anzahl Fragen: 15.

Fragen wählen (15)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Jag valde att sälja min bil. I chose to sell my car.
  • Väljer du mig? Do you choose me?
  • Pelle har valt att köpa ett hus. Pelle has chosen to buy a house.
  • Vad kan jag göra? What can I do?
  • Gjorde du det? Did you do it?
  • Vad har du gjort? What have you done?
  • Hon drömmer om katter. She dreams about cats.
  • Vi drömmer om semester. We dream about vacation.
  • Jag drömde att du var här. I dreamt that you were here.
  • Har de drömt om detta? Have they dreamt about this?
  • Vad vill du ha att dricka? What do you want to drink?
  • Igår drack jag en Fanta. Yesterday I drank a Fanta.
  • Äter du kött? Do you eat meat?
  • Igår åt jag choklad. Yesterday I ate chocolate.
  • Har du ätit din middag? Have you eaten your dinner?

All None

Freigegebene Übung
