vmysjöstaden year 6 week 15 2024

The exercise was created 05.04.2024 by PedagogueatvillaMY. Anzahl Fragen: 14.

Fragen wählen (14)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • He was a bushranger. Han var en ståtrövare.
  • He fought and stole from people. Han slogs och stal från människor.
  • He was a cold-blooded murderer. Han var en kallblodig (grym) mördare.
  • She was a farmer during the 19th century. Hon var en jordbrukare under 1800-talet.
  • Many lived in poverty. Många levde i fattigdom.
  • survive överleva
  • As a teenager he went to prison. Som tonåring hamnade han i fängelse.
  • He claimed that she had tried to get rid of her cattle. Han påstod att hon hade försökt göra sig av med sin boskap.
  • She tried to hide in the bush. Hon försökte gömma sig i vildmarken.
  • join ansluta sig till
  • It was a horrible gunfight. Det var en hemsk eldstrid.
  • He caught up with her. Han hann ikapp henne.
  • surround omringa
  • She wore a homemade armour. Hon bar en hemmagjord rustning.

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