Vocabulaire 8

The exercise was created 27.05.2020 by ZantleBoy. Anzahl Fragen: 18.

Fragen wählen (18)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • sauter jump
  • se lever get up, got up, gotten up
  • sol, terre ground
  • au dessus over
  • être couché, s'allonger lie, lay, lain
  • voir see, saw, have seen
  • se lever get up, got up, gotten up
  • regarder look, looked, have looked
  • rire laugh, laughed
  • pendant que while
  • cloture fence
  • courir run, ran, ran
  • poursuivre, courir après qn et essayer de l'attraper chase
  • tourner turn
  • se retourner turn around
  • arrêter stop
  • aboyer bark
  • faire I do, he/she/it does, did

All None

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