Vocabulario 1-2

The exercise was created 11.01.2010 by Jesper92. Anzahl Fragen: 56.

Fragen wählen (56)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • adónde? to (where?)
  • cuándo? when?
  • por qué? why?
  • porque because
  • también also, too
  • pero but
  • cerca(de) near
  • lejos(de) far (from)
  • fantástico, -a fanstastic, great
  • simpático, -a nice, pleasant
  • el autobús bus
  • el avión airplane
  • el banco bank
  • el barco bout, ship
  • el béisbol baseball
  • la biblioteca library
  • la bici(cleta) bike, bicycle
  • el cabollo horse
  • la cafetería cafeteria
  • el carro car
  • la casa home, house
  • el cine movie theater
  • el concierto concert
  • el dentista dentist (masculine)
  • la dentista dentist (feminine)
  • la escuela school
  • la fiesta party
  • el médico doctor (masculine)
  • la médico doctor (feminine)
  • el metro subway
  • la moto(cicleta) bike, motorcycle
  • la oficina office
  • el parque park
  • la piscina swimming pool
  • el pie foot
  • la playa beach
  • el problema problem
  • el refresco softdrink, refreshment
  • el restaurante restaurant
  • el transporte transportation
  • el tren train
  • tengo I have
  • estudiar to study
  • ir to go
  • tomar to drink, to take
  • ir + a + infinitive verb, ir a... what somone is going to (simple future)
  • vamos! let´s go!
  • vamos a... (infinitive verb) let´s...
  • en... (transportation) on, in, by (+ transportation)
  • a caballo on horseback
  • a pie on foot
  • verdad? right?
  • dígame tell me, hello (hello (telephone greeting))
  • claro! of course!
  • Por qué no? Why not?
  • Por qué no...? Why don't...?

All None

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