week 39 synonyms

The exercise was created 22.09.2023 by babyque. Anzahl Fragen: 32.

Fragen wählen (32)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Someone who applies for a job Applicant
  • Someone whose job is to get someone to work in a company Recruiter
  • Someone competing for a job Candidate
  • A computer program that works automatically Bot
  • Not consider for something Remove from the equation
  • Short lines of writing or numbers arranged one below the other on a page Column
  • Chaos, when things are very unclear Mess
  • Something that you have managed to do by working hard Achievement
  • Read something quickly and not very carefully Skim
  • A word or expression that is typical for one type of business Industry term
  • Do something that is too unusual or stands out Get fancy
  • Get information in order to decide whether someone is suitable for a job Screen
  • Happening in a natural way without being planned or thought about Spontaneous
  • Ministry Department
  • The conditions in which you live, especially how much money you have Circumstances
  • Making small changes to something in order to make it as good or as effective as possible Fine-tuning
  • Extremely important because it has a major effect on something Cruical
  • Employing Hiring
  • Up-to-date Current
  • Public notices advertising jobs Job postings
  • A type of work that you do Field
  • The places in which people work Environment
  • Consider or discuss something again Revisit
  • Changes in something that make it better, more accurate or more effective Adjustments
  • Possible to achieve, reach or get Attainable
  • Practical; based on facts and information Concrete
  • Really want Desire
  • Prepared for a particular job or activity through special training and attention Grooming
  • Jobs that are available Openings
  • Base a decision or idea on a particular thing Ground
  • Something that is used as an example for something else and that copies are made from because its basic form that can be reused Template
  • Difficult things that you succeed in doing, especially after working hard over a period of time Accomplishments

All None

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