What's up 8:6 Stories to tell

The exercise was created 06.12.2022 by AClararen. Anzahl Fragen: 30.

Fragen wählen (30)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • avbeställa cancel
  • omtänksam caring
  • ändå anyway
  • hänsynslös ruthless
  • ögonbryn eyebrow
  • åtala sue
  • föreslå suggest
  • flingor cereal
  • krama hug
  • dagis childcare
  • oändlig endless
  • promenad stroll
  • hink bucket
  • omedveten unaware
  • försök attempt
  • uppmuntra encourage
  • brådskande urgent
  • fordon vehicle
  • arrestera take into custody
  • gräsklippare lawnmower
  • fortsätta continue
  • ögonvittne eyewitness
  • händelse event
  • uttryck expression
  • ryggrad spine
  • knappt barely
  • avdelning section
  • som tur var fortunately
  • skräp debris
  • spränga blow up

All None

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