Words essay 7

The exercise was created 30.04.2022 by petratetschet. Anzahl Fragen: 21.

Fragen wählen (21)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • i allmänhet in general
  • tex for example
  • personligen personally
  • ämne topic
  • mänskliga rättigheter human rights
  • i framtiden in the future
  • i dagens samhälle In today's society
  • jag tror på I believe in
  • klimatförändring the climate change
  • jag antar (tror) att I suppose that
  • vidare furthermore
  • nuförtiden nowadays
  • en människa, flera människor one human being, many humans
  • en människa a human being
  • ett råd, flera råd one piece of advice, advice
  • en nyhet, nyheter one piece of news, news
  • miljö environment
  • Det kommer att vara en bra upplevelse It will be a great experience
  • I would like to be jag skulle vilja vara
  • för att sammanfatta to conclude
  • Till att börja med ska jag Initially I am going to

All None

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