Words of similar meaning (synonyms)

The exercise was created 28.09.2023 by skyttk. Anzahl Fragen: 15.

Fragen wählen (15)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • angry, furious, irate arg
  • brave, bold, courageous modig
  • rich, well-off, affluent rik
  • unhappy, miserable, depressed olycklig
  • very big, huge, enormous gigantisk
  • argue, bicker, quarrel bråka
  • frighten, scare, terrify skrämma
  • hate, loath, detest hata
  • kill, assassinate, exterminate döda
  • stop, cease, terminate avsluta
  • anger, fury, rage ilska
  • answer, response, reply svara
  • danger, hazard, peril fara
  • dusk, sunset, twilight solnedgång
  • story, anecdote, tale berättelse

All None

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