
The exercise was created 12.01.2022 by Linz. Anzahl Fragen: 142.

Fragen wählen (142)

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  • name al 7 animalia characteristics then type "animalia" animalia
  • outer germ layer, develops into epidermis, hair, brain, nervous system sweatglands. ectoderm
  • inner germ layer that develops into intestince and respiratory system endoderm
  • last germ layer that develops into muscles, ovaries/testies, bone mesoderm
  • name the three different germ layers, then type "germ layer" germ layer
  • when one only develops two germ layers diploblastic
  • when one develops all germ layers triploblastic
  • a ring of ciliated tentacles around the larvaes mouth lophore
  • free swimming larvae with several bands of cilia trochophore
  • amount of cranial nerves in amniotes 12
  • when the embryo develops inside the body viviparous
  • when the embry developes inside an egg oviparous
  • when embryos develop inside eggs inside the body ovoviviparous
  • offspring that have fur and independant locomotion precocial
  • offspring that are born fairly immature altrical
  • the direction of bloodflow in mammals left aortic arch
  • the direction of bloodflow in birds right aortic arch
  • two generations of teeth diphydont
  • different types of teeth heterodont
  • name the 4 teeth in mammals, then type "teeth" teeth
  • hole(s) where the skull is joint to the verterae occipital condyle
  • halskotor, och hur många brukar däggdjur ha? (namn, siffra cervical vertebrae, 7
  • the part of the vertebrae that connects to the ribs thoracic
  • lower part of the vertebrae lumbar
  • the part of the pelvis that is connected to the vertebrae - is merged sacrum
  • svanskotor coccyx
  • mammalian sweat glands that goes to the top of the skin. Watery sweat eccrine
  • mammalian gland, produces oily secretion in the hair folicles appocrine
  • mammalian gland that produces oily secretion sebaceous
  • name of the oily secretion that comes from the sebaceous glands sebum
  • mammalian gland that produces scent scent gland
  • mammalian gland that produces milk mammary
  • dark fur is produced by: eumelanin
  • red fur is produced by: pheomelanin
  • warm blooded endotherm
  • cold blooded ectotherm
  • subphylum of animals with a vertabrate and a skull vertebrata
  • superclass of animals with four legs tetrapoda
  • clade of animals that have protected eggs. amniota
  • clade of animals that have unprotected eggs anamniota
  • unique mammal muscle used for lung compression diphragma
  • struphuvud larynx
  • svalg pharynx
  • feather used for flight contour
  • feather used for insulation dune
  • the lower part of the feather"stem" quill
  • the branches of a feather barbs
  • join barbs toghether barbules
  • the feather shaft rachis
  • the only skin galnd of a bird preen gland
  • hollow bones pneumatized
  • large keel on the breast bone of a bird carina
  • storage chamer of food in the digestive tract crop
  • stomach that grinds food gizzard
  • gas exchange of birds, tube like structure parabroncha
  • specialized voice box of birds syrinx
  • part of brain responsible for visual information occipital lobe
  • part of brain that processen balance and position in 3d cerebrum
  • a highly vascularized piece of tissue that provides extra nutrients to the eyes in birds pecten
  • fjäderdräkt plumage
  • bröstben sternum
  • color cells chromatophores
  • chromatophores that produce red, oragne, yellow xanthophores
  • chromatophres that produce dark pigments melanophores
  • chromatophores that produce silver/light reflecting pigments ididophores
  • merged hindquaters of frogs urostyle
  • gas exchange through skin cutaneous
  • gas exchange throug munnhåla buccal
  • gas exchange through lungs pulmonary
  • flap in mouth (röstspringa) glottis
  • chamber in amphibians that amplifies sound vocal sac
  • amount of cranial nerves in amphivians 10
  • having two phases of life biphasic
  • thin structure in the interiour of the ear in birds and amphibians columella
  • jawless fishes agnatha
  • cartilagous fishes chondrichthyes
  • bony fishes osteichthyes
  • the scales of sharks placoid
  • rombformade scales ganoid
  • round scales that overlap cykloid
  • lite taggiga runda fjäll ctenoid
  • a tail that is not symmetrical heteroceral
  • a symmetric tail homoceral
  • teeth that are continously replaced polyphydont
  • a cavity by the gut of fishes that increase absorbtion area pyloric ceaca
  • fishes that have a duct between swim bladder and esophagus for removal of gas physostomous
  • fishes that have a patch of tissue the gas from swim bladder goes through physoclisous
  • lipid inside the liver of cartiligous fishes squalene
  • organ in fishes that detects low-freqancy vibrations lateral line organ
  • organ in fishes that detects weak electrical fields ampullae of Lorenzini
  • name all 5 characteristics of chordates, then write "chordate" chordate
  • ryggsträng notochord
  • nerve chord of chordate dorsal hollow nerve chord
  • part outside the brain filled with spinal fluid ventricle
  • tissue in the pharynx that produces mucus for the slits endostyle
  • sköldköttel thyroid gland
  • opening to the water vascular system madeporite
  • tiny gills on the epidermis of echinoderms papula
  • tiny pieces of bones in an echinoderm ossicles
  • first stomach of asteroidae that can be inverted cardiac
  • second stomach of asteroidea pyloric
  • blind ending sac conncted to the stomach, found in arms of asteroidea pyloric ceaca
  • the lines of tubular feet on the underside of echinoderms ambulacral grooves
  • segmentation metamerism
  • functional group of segments tagma
  • appandages with only one part uniramous
  • appendages made of two parts biramous
  • respiration in witch air flows in through tubes in to air sacs tracheal
  • eyes made up of a bunch of small eyes compound
  • no metamorph ametabolous
  • incomplete metamorphism hemimetabolous
  • complete metamorph holometabolous
  • insekters "bröstkorg" thorax
  • excretory system of insects malpighian tubules
  • subphylum contaning spiders, merostomata and seaspiders chelicerata
  • pinchers by the mouth chlicerae
  • the second pair of appendages in chilecerata pedipalps
  • mouthpart in crustacea mandibles
  • appendages in crustacea used for testing food maxillae
  • larvae of crustacea nauplius
  • tiny bristles setae
  • class containg hirudinea and oligochaeta clitellata
  • the band around a worm clitellum
  • second segment of annelida peristomium
  • first segment of annelida prostomium
  • last segment of annelida pygidium
  • secretion outside the epidermis of an annelid cuticle
  • simple eye ocelli
  • typ blod men ändå inte hemolymph
  • tiny "kidneys" of annelida and mollusca nephridia
  • an organ used for balancing statocyst
  • separate sexes dioecious
  • hamphroditic monoecious
  • peace of skin that might create a shell mantle
  • second larave state of mollusca veliger
  • layer of cells in cnidaria that contains cells that break down food in different wats gastrodermis
  • cells in cnidaria that acts lie muscles epitheliomuscular
  • specialiced cell unique for cnidarians cnidocytes
  • "stinger" in the cnitocyst nematocyst
  • trigger in the cnidocyst cnidocil
  • larave of cnidaria planula
  • the jelly thing between gastrodermis and epidermis mesoglea

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