Searched for formation in the dictionary.
Swedish: utbildning
formation English | |
Swedish | bildning, gruppering |
formation French | |
Swedish | utbildning |
formatera Swedish | |
English | format |
formatting English | |
Swedish | formaterande |
formatted English | |
Swedish | formaterad |
format English | |
German | Format |
Swedish | formatera |
format Swedish | |
English | size |
forntid Swedish | |
French | antiquité |
German | Altertum |
forntids Swedish | |
English | antiquities |
forntiden Swedish | |
English | antiquity |
German | das Altertum |
fermata Italian | |
Swedish | hållplats |
formaterad Swedish | |
English | formatted |
formte German | |
English | shaped |
Format German | |
English | format |
formad Swedish | |
English | shaped, wrought |
forntida Swedish | |
English | ancient |
French | ancien, ancienne, antique |
form tutor English | |
Swedish | klassföreståndare |
forntysk Swedish | |
German | altdeutsh |
fermeté French | |
Swedish | fasthet, stadga |
frantic English | |
German | rasend, wild |
Swedish | desperat, ursinnig, vanvettig, utom sig, vild, förtvivlade, utom sig av oro, hektisk, alldeles galen |
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