här ute
Searched for här ute in the dictionary.
Italian: qui fuori
här ute Swedish | |
Italian | qui fuori |
härd Swedish | |
English | hearth |
håret Swedish | |
English | the hair |
French | les genoux, les cheveux, le cheveux |
German | das Haar, die Haare |
Spanish | el pelo, el cabello |
hördu Swedish | |
French | dis, dis donc |
Spanish | oye |
hört German | |
English | hears |
härda Swedish | |
French | aguerrir |
German | abhärten |
hör du Swedish | |
French | dis donc |
Italian | senti |
hörde Swedish | |
English | heard |
hört Swedish | |
English | heard |
hyra ut Swedish | |
English | let, lodge, rent |
German | vermieten |
härad Swedish | |
English | district |
hårt Swedish | |
English | tightly, hard, tough, roughly, harshly, harsh |
French | dur |
German | hart |
Latin | arduus, arduum, ardua |
hård Swedish | |
English | tough, severe, rough, harsh, hard, stern, grim, tight, fierce, strict |
French | dure, dur, sévère |
German | hart, angestrengt |
Latin | robustus, robustum, robusta, asper, aspera, asperum, durus, durum, dura |
Slovenian | trd |
Spanish | duro, dura |
hearty English | |
Swedish | riklig, hjärtlig, hurtig, hurtfrisk |
hurt English | |
Estonian | haiget tegema, vigastus |
German | schmerzen, verletzen, weh, zuleide, verletzt |
Spanish | herido, dañar |
Swedish | sårade, skada, värka, göra ont, såra, sårad, skadad, skadade, gjorde illa, gör ont, gjorde ont, göra ledsen, göra illa |
horde English | |
Swedish | hord |
hearth English | |
German | Feuerstelle, Herd, Kamin |
Swedish | eldstad, härd |
hart English | |
Swedish | hjort |
heart English | |
Czech | srdce |
German | Gemüt, Herz |
Spanish | corazón |
Swedish | hjärta |
hereto English | |
Swedish | hit |
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