Searched for těstoviny in the dictionary.
těstoviny Czech | |
Danish | pasta |
Dutch | deegwaren |
English | pasta |
Finnish | makaronivalmiste |
French | pâte alimentaire |
German | Teigware |
Greek | ζυμαρικά |
Hungarian | száraztészta |
Italian | pasta alimentare |
Latvian | makaroni |
Polish | makaron |
Portuguese | massa alimentícia |
Slovenian | testenine |
Spanish | pasta alimenticia |
Swedish | pasta |
testify English | |
Swedish | intyga, vittna |
testování Czech | |
Danish | forsøg |
Dutch | proef |
English | testing |
Finnish | testaus |
French | essai |
German | Erprobung |
Greek | δoκιμή |
Hungarian | vizsgálat |
Italian | collaudo |
Latvian | testēšana |
Polish | testowanie |
Portuguese | ensaio |
Slovenian | preizkušanje |
Spanish | ensayo |
Swedish | provning |
testfil Swedish | |
English | testfile |
testfile English | |
Swedish | testfil |
textfile English | |
Swedish | textfil |
testfiles English | |
Swedish | testfiler |
testfiler Swedish | |
English | testfiles |
textbild Swedish | |
English | text-screen |
textfil Swedish | |
English | textfile |
tiostavig Swedish | |
English | decasyllabic |
test-tube English | |
Swedish | provrör |
tekstiviesti Finnish | |
German | SMS |
text-book English | |
Swedish | lärobok |
textbok Swedish | |
English | textbook |
Croatian | ùdžbenik |
tastefull English | |
Swedish | smakfull |
tasteful English | |
Swedish | smakfull |
textbook English | |
German | Schulbuch |
Croatian | udžbenik |
Swedish | lärobok, textbok |
tekst-tv Danish | |
Czech | vysílaný videotext |
Dutch | uitgezonden videografie |
English | broadcast videography |
Finnish | teksti-TV |
French | vidéographie diffusée |
German | Fernsehtext |
Greek | teletext |
Hungarian | teletext |
Italian | videotex trasmesso |
Latvian | apraides videogrāfija |
Polish | teletekst |
Portuguese | emissão de videotexto |
Slovenian | teletekst |
Spanish | teletexto |
Swedish | text-TV |
text-TV Swedish | |
Czech | vysílaný videotext |
Danish | tekst-tv |
Dutch | uitgezonden videografie |
English | broadcast videography |
Finnish | teksti-TV |
French | vidéographie diffusée |
German | Fernsehtext |
Greek | teletext |
Hungarian | teletext |
Italian | videotex trasmesso |
Latvian | apraides videogrāfija |
Polish | teletekst |
Portuguese | emissão de videotexto |
Slovenian | teletekst |
Spanish | teletexto |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.