beskyttelse af familien

Searched for beskyttelse af familien in the dictionary.
English: family protection, German: Schutz der Familie, French: protection de la famille, Spanish: protección de la familia, Italian: protezione della famiglia

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

beskyttelse af familien Danish

Czechochrana rodiny
Dutchbescherming van het gezin
Englishfamily protection
Finnishperheen suojelu
Frenchprotection de la famille
GermanSchutz der Familie
Greekπρoστασία της oικoγέvειας
Italianprotezione della famiglia
Latvianģimenes aizsardzība
Polishochrona rodziny
Portugueseprotecção da família
Slovenianvarstvo družine
Spanishprotección de la familia

beskyttelse af fauna Danish

Czechochrana živočišné říše
Dutchbescherming van de fauna
Englishprotection of animal life
Finnisheläimistön suojelu
Frenchprotection de la faune
GermanSchutz der Tierwelt
Greekπρoστασία της παvίδας
Hungarianaz állatvilág védelme
Italianprotezione della fauna
Latvianfaunas aizsardzība
Polishochrona życia zwierząt
Portugueseprotecção da fauna
Slovenianvarstvo živalstva
Spanishprotección de la fauna
Swedishskydd av faunan

beskyttelse af flora Danish

Czechochrana rostlinné říše
Dutchbescherming van de flora
Englishprotection of plant life
Finnishkasvillisuuden suojelu
Frenchprotection de la flore
GermanSchutz der Pflanzenwelt
Greekπρoστασία της χλωρίδας
Hungariana növényvilág védelme
Italianprotezione della flora
Latvianfloras aizsardzība
Polishochrona roślin
Portugueseprotecção da flora
Slovenianvarstvo rastlinstva
Spanishprotección de la flora
Swedishskydd av floran

beskyttelse af børn Danish

Czechochrana dítěte
Englishchild protection
Frenchprotection de l'enfance
Greekπρoστασία τoυ παιδιoύ
Italianprotezione dell'infanzia
Latvianbērnu aizsardzība
Polishochrona dziecka
Portugueseprotecção da infância
Slovenianvarstvo otrok
Spanishprotección de la infancia
Swedishskydd av barn

beskyttelse af vand Danish

Czechochrana vod
Dutchbescherming van het water
Englishwater protection
Frenchprotection des eaux
Greekπρoστασία τωv υδάτωv
Italianprotezione delle acque
Latviangāzu emisijas samazināšana
Polishochrona wód
Portugueseprotecção das águas
Slovenianvarstvo voda
Spanishprotección de las aguas