
Searched for ?Cuantos? in the dictionary.

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

?Cuantos? Spanish

SwedishHur många?

cuantos Spanish

Swedishhur många

?Cuantas? Spanish

SwedishHur många?

cuantas Spanish

Swedishhur många

cuentas Spanish

Swedishdu räknar, du berättar

cientos Spanish


¿Cuanto es? Spanish

SwedishHur mycket blir det?

contest English

Swedishtävling, kamp, strid, strida, tävla

countess English


cuántas Spanish

Swedishhur många

counts English

Swedishräkna med

¿Cuántos? Spanish

SwedishHur många?

contactos Spanish


canadese Italian

Swedishkanadensisk, kanadensare

contesta Spanish


contigo Spanish

Swedishmed dig

contusio Latin


contact English

GermanBerührung, Kontakt, verbinden, Verbindung
Swedishkontakta, beröring, kontakt

¿Cuántas? Spanish

SwedishHur många?

candies English


A maximum of 20 results are shown.