Searched for ätpinne in the dictionary.
English: chopstick
ätpinne Swedish | |
English | chopstick |
tvinna Swedish | |
English | twist |
Russian | вить |
tvenne Swedish | |
English | twain |
åttiofem Swedish | |
French | quatre-vingt-cinq |
the pine English | |
Swedish | granen |
toppen Swedish | |
English | super, swell, brilliant, great, smashing, oh great, jim-dandy, awesome, top, fabulous |
French | génial, formidable, super, chouette |
German | super, toll, das Top, prima |
Spanish | súper, estupendo, guay, geniales, bárbaro, bárbara |
Äthiopien German | |
Czech | Etiopie |
Danish | Etiopien |
Dutch | Ethiopië |
English | Ethiopia |
Finnish | Etiopia |
French | Éthiopie |
Greek | Aιθιoπία |
Hungarian | Etiópia |
Italian | Etiopia |
Latvian | Etiopija |
Polish | Etiopia |
Portuguese | Etiópia |
Slovenian | Etiopija |
Spanish | Etiopía |
Swedish | Etiopien |
tippen German | |
English | type |
toben German | |
English | rage |
Spanish | alborotar |
the fine English | |
Swedish | böterna |
the pin English | |
Swedish | nålen |
toppen! Swedish | |
French | super! |
topppen Swedish | |
Spanish | estupendo, estupenda |
typen Swedish | |
Italian | il tippo |
Toppen! Swedish | |
English | Smashing!, Great! |
French | Chouette! |
German | Echt super!, Klasse!, Prima!, Super!, Toll! |
Spanish | ¡Estupendo!, ¡Bien! |
teven Swedish | |
French | la télé |
tuppen Swedish | |
English | the cock |
French | le coq |
German | der Hahn |
tyfon Swedish | |
English | typhoon |
to open English | |
German | öffnen |
taaban Japanese | |
Swedish | turban |
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