Searched for това in the dictionary.
tuva Swedish | |
English | tuft |
tov Danish | |
Swedish | rep |
top Spanish | |
Swedish | topp |
toivoa Finnish | |
German | hoffen |
teve Swedish | |
English | TV |
Slovenian | televizija |
Spanish | tele, television |
tv Swedish | |
English | telly |
Japanese | テレビ |
tapa Spanish | |
Swedish | smårätt |
topi English | |
Swedish | tropikhjälm, tropiskhjälm |
tob English | |
Swedish | övertagandebud |
top French | |
Swedish | topp |
tuba English | |
German | Tuba - Blasinstrument |
top English | |
German | Spitze, Gipfel |
Swedish | högst upp, uppe, bästa, höjd, krön, topp, överdel, bordsskiva, kork, snurrleksak, toppen, överskrida, överträffa |
toppa Swedish | |
Spanish | encabezar |
tapa Finnish | |
English | custom |
tyve Danish | |
German | zwanzig |
tuba Latin | |
Swedish | gång, rör, trumpet |
tuba Estonian | |
English | room |
topp Swedish | |
English | peak, crest, summit, top, tip, spike |
French | top, haut |
Latin | vertex |
Spanish | pico, top |
tyve Norwegian | |
English | twenty |
tab English | |
Swedish | etikett, lapp, hålla ögonen på, räkning |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.