Allt gott
Searched for Allt gott in the dictionary.
Allt gott Swedish | |
Slovenian | Vse najboljše |
allt som Swedish | |
English | all that |
Spanish | todo lo que |
alltjämt Swedish | |
English | still |
Croatian | jòš |
alltags German | |
Swedish | på vardagarna, till vardags, i veckorna, under veckan |
alltså Swedish | |
English | thus, so |
Estonian | niisiis |
French | alors, donc, quoi |
German | also |
Italian | dunque, allora, quindi |
Latin | ergo, igitur |
Spanish | o sea, en fin, pues, por lo tanto |
all this English | |
Estonian | see kõik |
alltogether English | |
Finnish | yhteensä |
Swedish | allt som allt, helt och hållet, alldelses, fullt, sammanlagt, på det hela taget |
alltigenom Swedish | |
English | thoroughly |
Alltag German | |
Norwegian | hverdag |
Swedish | vardag |
allt sedan Swedish | |
German | seid |
altiste French | |
Swedish | altviolinist |
allt igenom Swedish | |
English | throughout |
alldaglig Swedish | |
English | commonplace, plain, workaday |
German | alltäglich |
Spanish | cotidiano |
alltsedan Swedish | |
English | since, ever since |
French | depuis que |
German | seit |
Spanish | desde hace |
altklug German | |
Swedish | lillgammal |
alates Estonian | |
Swedish | från |
alltäglich German | |
English | trivial |
Swedish | vardaglig, daglig, varje dag, varje dag återkommande, alldaglig |
altogheter English | |
Swedish | allt som allt |
altsaa Norwegian | |
German | also |
although English | |
German | obwohl |
Swedish | fastän, trots att, fast, även om, trots, ehuru |
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