Searched for Amtsantritt in the dictionary.
Amtsantritt German | |
Swedish | tillträde av tjänst |
Amtsarzt German | |
Swedish | distriktsläkare |
ametist Swedish | |
English | amethyst |
French | améthyste |
antag att Swedish | |
English | supposing |
antagit Swedish | |
English | admits |
antagonist Swedish | |
English | antagonist |
French | antagoniste |
Amtsblatt German | |
Czech | úřední list |
Danish | officiel tidende |
Dutch | Staatscourant |
English | Official Journal |
Finnish | virallinen lehti |
French | journal officiel |
Greek | Eπίσημη Eφημερίδα |
Hungarian | hivatalos lap |
Italian | gazzetta ufficiale |
Latvian | oficiālais vēstnesis |
Polish | dziennik urzędowy |
Portuguese | jornal oficial |
Slovenian | uradni list |
Spanish | Boletín Oficial |
Swedish | officiell tidning |
antastlig Swedish | |
English | assailable |
Amtsgericht German | |
Swedish | tingsrätt |
antikvariat Swedish | |
English | second-hand |
Swedish | bokhandel för begagnade böcker |
Amtszeit German | |
Swedish | ämbetstid, mandatperiod |
antagonist English | |
Swedish | antagonist |
antasten German | |
English | handle |
Amtseid German | |
Swedish | ämbetsed |
Amtspflicht German | |
Swedish | tjänsteplikt |
Amtsgewalt German | |
Swedish | maktbefogenhet |
antics English | |
Swedish | upptåg, spratt |
antica Italian | |
Swedish | antik |
antico Italian | |
Swedish | gammal, antik |
antagoniste French | |
Swedish | motståndare, antagonist |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.