Searched for Amtszeichen in the dictionary.
Amtszeichen German | |
Swedish | kopplingston |
Amtsgericht German | |
Swedish | tingsrätt |
Amtszeit German | |
Swedish | ämbetstid, mandatperiod |
Amtshilfe German | |
Swedish | handräckning mellan myndigheter |
Amtsdeutch German | |
Swedish | kanslityska, kanslispråk |
Amtsbezeichnung German | |
Swedish | tjänstetitel, officiell beteckning |
antagligen Swedish | |
English | presumably, probably, possibly |
French | probablement, sans doute |
German | wahrscheinlich |
Spanish | promablente, probablemente, seguramente |
Amtssprache German | |
Czech | oficiální jazyk |
Danish | officielt sprog |
Dutch | officiële taal |
English | official language |
Finnish | virallinen kieli |
French | langue officielle |
Greek | επίσημη γλώσσα |
Hungarian | hivatalos nyelv |
Italian | lingua ufficiale |
Latvian | oficiālā valoda |
Polish | język państwowy |
Portuguese | língua oficial |
Slovenian | uradni jezik |
Spanish | lengua oficial |
Swedish | officiellt språk |
Amtspflicht German | |
Swedish | tjänsteplikt |
antes bien Spanish | |
Swedish | snarare |
Amtseid German | |
Swedish | ämbetsed |
ami de chiens French | |
Swedish | hundvän |
antichar French | |
Swedish | pansarvärns- |
antigen English | |
Swedish | antigen |
antisèche French | |
Swedish | fusklapp |
antiken Swedish | |
English | antiquity |
German | das klassische Alterrum |
antigen Swedish | |
English | antigen |
antica Italian | |
Swedish | antik |
andocken German | |
Swedish | docka |
anticiper French | |
Swedish | ana, förutse, antecipera, tidigarelägga |
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