Searched for Amtszeit in the dictionary.
Amtszeit German | |
Swedish | ämbetstid, mandatperiod |
Amtseid German | |
Swedish | ämbetsed |
antagit Swedish | |
English | admits |
Amtsarzt German | |
Swedish | distriktsläkare |
antisemit Swedish | |
English | anti-Semite |
French | antisémite |
antigel French | |
Swedish | kylarvätska, frostskyddsvätska |
antigen English | |
Swedish | antigen |
antiquity English | |
Swedish | antiken, forntiden |
amniotic English | |
Swedish | fostervatten |
antic English | |
Swedish | pajas, upptåg, löjlig, krumsprång |
ants English | |
Swedish | myror |
antik German | |
English | antique |
antes Spanish | |
Norwegian | för |
Swedish | innan, tidigare, förr, före |
antasten German | |
English | handle |
Amtsblatt German | |
Czech | úřední list |
Danish | officiel tidende |
Dutch | Staatscourant |
English | Official Journal |
Finnish | virallinen lehti |
French | journal officiel |
Greek | Eπίσημη Eφημερίδα |
Hungarian | hivatalos lap |
Italian | gazzetta ufficiale |
Latvian | oficiālais vēstnesis |
Polish | dziennik urzędowy |
Portuguese | jornal oficial |
Slovenian | uradni list |
Spanish | Boletín Oficial |
Swedish | officiell tidning |
Amtsgericht German | |
Swedish | tingsrätt |
Amtsdeutch German | |
Swedish | kanslityska, kanslispråk |
Amtsgewalt German | |
Swedish | maktbefogenhet |
Amtszeichen German | |
Swedish | kopplingston |
antagen Swedish | |
German | angenommen |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.