Searched for Deckel in the dictionary.
Deckel German | |
English | cover |
degel Swedish | |
English | crucible |
dekal Swedish | |
German | Abziehbild |
Dackel German | |
English | dachshund, dachshunds |
diesel English | |
German | diesel |
Swedish | diesel |
diesel Swedish | |
English | diesel |
diesel German | |
English | diesel |
du sel French | |
Swedish | salt |
ducal English | |
German | herzoglich |
Swedish | hertiglig |
dócil Spanish | |
English | docile |
Swedish | lydig |
docile English | |
Spanish | dócil |
Swedish | foglig |
deshiela Spanish | |
Swedish | dimma |
ducally English | |
German | herzoglich |
de sla Dutch | |
Swedish | sallad |
die Zhal German | |
Swedish | siffran |
das Öl German | |
Swedish | oljan |
die Zeile German | |
Swedish | raden |
die Seele German | |
Swedish | själen |
die Zelle German | |
Swedish | cellen |
das Ziel German | |
Swedish | målet |
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