Idon't like it

Searched for Idon't like it in the dictionary.

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

Idon't like it English

SwedishJag tycker inte om den

I don't like it English

Swedishjag tycker inte om det

I don't like English

Swedishjag tycker inte om

i don't get it English

Swedishjag fattar inte

I don't like her English

SwedishJag tycker inte om henne

I don't like fish English

Swedishjag tycker inte om fisk

I dont like Swedish

EnglishJag gillar inte

I don't get it English

Swedishjag fattar inte

I don't like it all English

Swedishjag tycker inte om den alls

I don't believe it English

Swedishjag tror inte det är sant

I don't like them English

SwedishJag gillar inte dem, Jag gillar inte dom

identitet Swedish


i don't know English

Swedishjag vet inte