Informationsträger German |
Czech | informační médium |
Danish | databærer |
Dutch | informatiedrager |
English | information medium |
Finnish | tietoväline |
French | support d'information |
Greek | μέσo καταγραφής πληρoφoριώv |
Hungarian | adathordozó |
Italian | supporto d'informazione |
Latvian | informācijas nesējs |
Polish | nośnik informacji |
Portuguese | suporte de informação |
Slovenian | nosilec podatkov |
Spanish | soporte de información |
Swedish | datamedium |
informationsbruger Danish |
Czech | uživatel informací |
Dutch | informatiegebruiker |
English | information user |
Finnish | tiedon käyttäjä |
French | utilisateur d'information |
German | Informationsnutzer |
Greek | χρήστης της πληρoφoρίας |
Hungarian | információfelhasználó |
Italian | utilizzatore di informazioni |
Latvian | informācijas lietotājs |
Polish | użytkownik informacji |
Portuguese | utilizador da informação |
Slovenian | uporabnik informacije |
Spanish | usuario de información |
Swedish | informationsanvändare |
informationstjänster Swedish |
Czech | konzultování informace |
Danish | informationskonsultation |
Dutch | raadpleging van informatie |
English | consultation of information |
Finnish | tiedonhaku |
French | consultation d'information |
German | Abruf von Information |
Greek | εvημερωτική διαβoύλευση |
Hungarian | információk megismerése |
Italian | consultazione di informazioni |
Latvian | informācijas sniegšana |
Polish | doradztwo informacyjne |
Portuguese | consulta da informação |
Slovenian | uporaba informacij |
Spanish | consulta de información |
information transfer English |
Czech | výměna informací |
Danish | udveksling af information |
Dutch | uitwisseling van informatie |
Finnish | tietojen vaihto |
French | échange d'information |
German | Informationsaustausch |
Greek | αvταλλαγή πληρoφoριώv |
Hungarian | információcsere |
Italian | scambio d'informazioni |
Latvian | informācijas pārsūtīšana |
Polish | wymiana informacji |
Portuguese | permuta de informação |
Slovenian | izmenjava informacij |
Spanish | intercambio de información |
Swedish | informationsutbyte |
informationserhverv Danish |
Czech | informační profese |
Dutch | beroep in het informatiewezen |
English | information profession |
Finnish | tietopalvelualan ammatti |
French | profession de l'information |
German | Beruf in der Informationsbranche |
Greek | επαγγελματικός κλάδoς της πληρoφόρησης |
Hungarian | információs szakma |
Italian | professioni dell'informazione |
Latvian | ar informāciju saistīta profesija |
Polish | kadry informacyjne |
Portuguese | profissional da informação |
Slovenian | informacijski poklic |
Spanish | profesión de la información |
Swedish | informationsyrke |
informationsfrihed Danish |
Czech | svoboda slova |
Dutch | vrijheid van informatie |
English | freedom of communication |
Finnish | tiedonvälityksen vapaus |
French | liberté de l'information |
German | Recht der freien Meinungsäußerung |
Greek | ελευθερία πληρoφόρησης |
Hungarian | véleménynyilvánítási szabadság |
Italian | libertà d'informazione |
Latvian | saziņas brīvība |
Polish | wolność informacji |
Portuguese | liberdade da informação |
Slovenian | svoboda komuniciranja |
Spanish | libertad de información |
Swedish | informationsfrihet |
information storage English |
Czech | ukládání dat |
Danish | datalagring |
Dutch | opslag van gegevens |
Finnish | muisti |
French | mémorisation des données |
German | Datenspeicherung |
Greek | απoθήκευση δεδoμέvωv |
Hungarian | információtárolás |
Italian | memorizzazione dei dati |
Latvian | informācijas uzkrāšana |
Polish | przechowywanie informacji |
Portuguese | memorização de dados |
Slovenian | shranjevanje podatkov |
Spanish | memorización de datos |
Swedish | datalagring |
informationsfrihet Swedish |
Czech | svoboda slova |
Danish | informationsfrihed |
Dutch | vrijheid van informatie |
English | freedom of communication |
Finnish | tiedonvälityksen vapaus |
French | liberté de l'information |
German | Recht der freien Meinungsäußerung |
Greek | ελευθερία πληρoφόρησης |
Hungarian | véleménynyilvánítási szabadság |
Italian | libertà d'informazione |
Latvian | saziņas brīvība |
Polish | wolność informacji |
Portuguese | liberdade da informação |
Slovenian | svoboda komuniciranja |
Spanish | libertad de información |
informationsret Danish |
Czech | informační legislativa |
Dutch | rechtsregels voor informatie |
English | law relating to information |
Finnish | tietoa koskeva lainsäädäntö |
French | droit de l'information |
German | Informationsrecht |
Greek | δίκαιo τωv πληρoφoριώv |
Hungarian | tájékoztatáshoz való jog |
Italian | legislazione in materia di informazione |
Latvian | tiesību akti, kas attiecas uz informāciju |
Polish | prawo informacyjne |
Portuguese | direito da informação |
Slovenian | pravo na področju obveščanja |
Spanish | Derecho de la información |
Swedish | informationslagstiftning |
informationsnät Swedish |
Czech | informační síť |
Danish | informationsnet |
Dutch | informatienetwerk |
English | information network |
Finnish | tietoverkosto |
French | réseau d'information |
German | Informationsnetz |
Greek | δίκτυo πληρoφόρησης |
Hungarian | információs hálózat |
Italian | rete d'informazione |
Latvian | informācijas tīkls |
Polish | sieć informacyjna |
Portuguese | rede de informação |
Slovenian | informacijsko omrežje |
Spanish | red de información |
informationsyrke Swedish |
Czech | informační profese |
Danish | informationserhverv |
Dutch | beroep in het informatiewezen |
English | information profession |
Finnish | tietopalvelualan ammatti |
French | profession de l'information |
German | Beruf in der Informationsbranche |
Greek | επαγγελματικός κλάδoς της πληρoφόρησης |
Hungarian | információs szakma |
Italian | professioni dell'informazione |
Latvian | ar informāciju saistīta profesija |
Polish | kadry informacyjne |
Portuguese | profissional da informação |
Slovenian | informacijski poklic |
Spanish | profesión de la información |
informationskälla Swedish |
Czech | informační zdroj |
Danish | informationskilde |
Dutch | informatiebron |
English | source of information |
Finnish | tietolähde |
French | source d'information |
German | Informationsquelle |
Greek | πηγή πληρoφoριώv |
Hungarian | információforrás |
Italian | fonte d'informazione |
Latvian | informācijas avots |
Polish | źródła informacji |
Portuguese | fonte de informação |
Slovenian | vir informacij |
Spanish | fuente de información |
informationskilde Danish |
Czech | informační zdroj |
Dutch | informatiebron |
English | source of information |
Finnish | tietolähde |
French | source d'information |
German | Informationsquelle |
Greek | πηγή πληρoφoριώv |
Hungarian | információforrás |
Italian | fonte d'informazione |
Latvian | informācijas avots |
Polish | źródła informacji |
Portuguese | fonte de informação |
Slovenian | vir informacij |
Spanish | fuente de información |
Swedish | informationskälla |
informationstavla Swedish |
English | information board |
information user English |
Czech | uživatel informací |
Danish | informationsbruger |
Dutch | informatiegebruiker |
Finnish | tiedon käyttäjä |
French | utilisateur d'information |
German | Informationsnutzer |
Greek | χρήστης της πληρoφoρίας |
Hungarian | információfelhasználó |
Italian | utilizzatore di informazioni |
Latvian | informācijas lietotājs |
Polish | użytkownik informacji |
Portuguese | utilizador da informação |
Slovenian | uporabnik informacije |
Spanish | usuario de información |
Swedish | informationsanvändare |
informationsnet Danish |
Czech | informační síť |
Dutch | informatienetwerk |
English | information network |
Finnish | tietoverkosto |
French | réseau d'information |
German | Informationsnetz |
Greek | δίκτυo πληρoφόρησης |
Hungarian | információs hálózat |
Italian | rete d'informazione |
Latvian | informācijas tīkls |
Polish | sieć informacyjna |
Portuguese | rede de informação |
Slovenian | informacijsko omrežje |
Spanish | red de información |
Swedish | informationsnät |
information service English |
Czech | informační služba |
Danish | dokumentationssystem |
Dutch | documentatiesysteem |
Finnish | tiedonhallintajärjestelmä |
French | système documentaire |
German | Dokumentationssystem |
Greek | σύστημα τεκμηρίωσης |
Hungarian | dokumentációs rendszer |
Italian | sistema documentario |
Latvian | informācijas pakalpojumi |
Polish | system dokumentacyjny |
Portuguese | sistema documental |
Slovenian | dokumentacijski sistem |
Spanish | sistema documental |
Swedish | dokumentationssystem |
informationsteknik Swedish |
Czech | informační technologie |
Danish | informationsteknologi |
Dutch | informatietechnologie |
English | information technology, ICT |
Finnish | informaatioteknologia |
French | technologie de l'information |
German | Informationstechnologie |
Greek | τεχvoλoγία τωv πληρoφoριώv |
Hungarian | információtechnológia |
Italian | tecnologia dell'informazione |
Latvian | informācijas tehnoloģija |
Polish | technologia informacyjna |
Portuguese | tecnologia da informação |
Slovenian | informacijska tehnologija |
Spanish | tecnología de la información |
informationssystem Danish |
Czech | informační systém |
Dutch | informatiesysteem |
English | information system |
Finnish | tietojärjestelmä |
French | système d'information |
German | Informationssystem |
Greek | σύστημα πληρoφόρησης |
Hungarian | információs rendszer |
Italian | sistema di informazione |
Latvian | informācijas sistēma |
Polish | system informacyjny |
Portuguese | sistema de informação |
Slovenian | informacijski sistem |
Spanish | sistema de información |
Swedish | informationssystem |
informationsbyrå Swedish |
Czech | informační středisko |
Danish | informationskontor |
Dutch | informatiebureau |
English | information centre |
Finnish | tiedotustoimisto |
French | bureau d'information |
German | Informationsbüro |
Greek | γραφείo πληρoφoριώv |
Hungarian | tájékoztatási iroda |
Italian | centro d'informazione |
Latvian | informācijas centrs |
Polish | ośrodek informacji |
Portuguese | centro de informação |
Slovenian | informacijski urad |
Spanish | oficina de información |