Jag bor i Uppsala

Searched for Jag bor i Uppsala in the dictionary.

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

Jag bor i Uppsala Swedish

ItalianAbito a Uppsala

jag bor i Spanien Swedish

Spanishvivo en España

Jag bor i Falun Swedish

SpanishVivo en Falun

jag bor i Sverige Swedish

Estonianja ma olen Rootsist

jag bor i Roune Swedish

Frenchj'habite à Roune

Jag bor i en villa Swedish

GermanIch wohne in einer Villa

jag bor i sverige Swedish

Germanich wohne in Schweden

jag bor i ... Swedish

Frenchj'habite à ...
Spanishvivo en ...

jag borde ha valt Swedish

Frenchj'aurais du choisir