Searched for T-shirten in the dictionary.
English: the T-shirt, German: das T-Shirt, French: le tee-shirt, le t-shirt, Spanish: la camiseta
t-shirten Swedish | |
English | the T-shirt |
French | le tee-shirt, le t-shirt |
German | das T-Shirt |
Spanish | la camiseta |
t-skirten Swedish | |
French | le tee-shirt |
T-shirten Swedish | |
German | das T-shirt |
Spanish | la camiseta, la camisieta |
t-shirt Swedish | |
German | das T-shirt |
Slovenian | majica |
Spanish | camiseta |
t-shirt English | |
German | T-shirt |
Swedish | t-tröja |
T-shirt Swedish | |
English | T-shirt |
French | tee-shirt |
German | T-Shirt |
T-shirt German | |
English | t-shirt, T-shirt |
T-shirt English | |
German | T-shirt |
Spanish | camiseta |
Swedish | T-tröja, T-shirt |
tee-shirt French | |
Swedish | T-shirt |
T-Shirt German | |
Swedish | T-shirt |
the shirt English | |
Swedish | skjortan |
tekort Dutch | |
Czech | ztráta |
Danish | underskud |
English | loss |
Finnish | vajaus |
French | déficit |
German | Defizit |
Greek | έλλειμμα |
Hungarian | deficit |
Italian | disavanzo |
Latvian | zaudējums |
Polish | deficyt |
Portuguese | défice |
Slovenian | izguba |
Spanish | déficit |
Swedish | underskott |
the shortest English | |
Swedish | kortast |
the skirt English | |
Swedish | kjolen |
teacart English | |
Swedish | tevagn |
tax rate English | |
Swedish | skattesats |
the garden English | |
Swedish | trädgården |
ta kort Swedish | |
German | Fotos machen |
tax return English | |
Czech | daňové přiznání |
Danish | selvangivelse |
Dutch | belastingaangifte |
Finnish | veroilmoitus |
French | déclaration d'impôt |
German | Steuererklärung |
Greek | φoρoλoγική δήλωση |
Hungarian | adóbevallás |
Italian | dichiarazione d'imposta |
Latvian | nodokļu deklarācija |
Polish | deklaracja podatkowa |
Portuguese | declaração de impostos |
Slovenian | davčna napoved |
Spanish | declaración fiscal |
Swedish | självdeklaration |
the crowd English | |
Swedish | folkmassan |
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