Searched for Taxifahrer in the dictionary.
Taxifahrer German | |
English | cabby, cabdriver, taxi driver |
taxi fare English | |
German | Taxifahrpreis |
tax-free English | |
Swedish | skattefri |
tax free Swedish | |
English | tax free |
tax free English | |
Swedish | tax free |
taxiförare Swedish | |
Slovenian | taksist |
tax payer English | |
Swedish | skattebetalare |
taxpayer English | |
Czech | daňový poplatník |
Danish | skatteyder |
Dutch | belastingplichtige |
Finnish | veronmaksaja |
French | contribuable |
German | Steuerpflichtiger |
Greek | φoρoλoγoύμεvoς |
Hungarian | adófizető |
Italian | contribuente |
Latvian | nodokļa maksātājs |
Polish | podatnik |
Portuguese | contribuinte |
Slovenian | davčni zavezanec |
Spanish | contribuyente |
Swedish | skattskyldig |
taksparre Swedish | |
English | rafter |
Taxifahrpreis German | |
English | taxi fare |
tejipar Hungarian | |
Czech | mlékárenský průmysl |
Danish | mejeriindustri |
Dutch | zuivelindustrie |
English | dairy industry |
Finnish | meijeriteollisuus |
French | industrie laitière |
German | Milchindustrie |
Greek | γαλακτoβιoμηχαvία |
Italian | industria lattiera |
Latvian | piena rūpniecība |
Polish | przemysł mleczarski |
Portuguese | indústria de lacticínios |
Slovenian | mlečna industrija |
Spanish | industria láctea |
Swedish | mejeriindustri |
tax bracket English | |
Swedish | skatteklass |
tax burden English | |
German | Steuerbürde |
take-over English | |
Swedish | övertagande |
tack vare Swedish | |
English | thanks to, because of |
French | grâce à, grâce á, grâcer à |
German | dank |
Spanish | gracias a |
takeover English | |
Swedish | företagsförvärv |
tackbrev Swedish | |
German | Adresse |
take over English | |
Finnish | vallata |
Swedish | axla, överta |
tas för Swedish | |
English | pass as |
tezaver Slovenian | |
Czech | tezaurus |
Danish | tesaurus |
Dutch | thesaurus |
English | thesaurus |
Finnish | tesaurus |
French | thésaurus |
German | Thesaurus |
Greek | θησαυρός |
Hungarian | tezaurusz |
Italian | thesaurus |
Latvian | tēzaurs |
Polish | tezaurus |
Portuguese | tesauro |
Spanish | tesauro |
Swedish | tesaurus |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.