Searched for Versteigerung in the dictionary.
Versteigerung German | |
Czech | aukční prodej |
Danish | auktionssalg |
Dutch | veiling |
English | auction, auction sale |
Finnish | huutokauppa |
French | vente aux enchères |
Greek | πλειστηριασμός |
Hungarian | árverés |
Italian | vendita all'asta |
Latvian | izsoles pārdošana |
Polish | aukcja |
Portuguese | venda em hasta pública |
Slovenian | dražba |
Spanish | venta en subasta |
Swedish | auktionsförsäljning |
versteigern German | |
English | auction |
Verstädterung German | |
Czech | urbanizace |
Danish | urbanisering |
Dutch | urbanisatie |
English | urbanisation |
Finnish | kaupungistuminen |
French | urbanisation |
Greek | αστυφιλία |
Hungarian | urbanizáció |
Italian | urbanizzazione |
Latvian | urbanizācija |
Polish | urbanizacja |
Portuguese | urbanização |
Slovenian | urbanizacija |
Spanish | urbanización |
Swedish | urbanisering |
verstehen German | |
English | got it |
Finnish | ymmärtää |
Latin | intellegere |
Norwegian | forstaa, forstå |
Russian | понимать, понять |
Swedish | förstå, förstår |
verstecken German | |
English | hide |
Norwegian | gjemme |
Swedish | gömma |
överstiger Swedish | |
English | exceeds |
verstopfen German | |
Spanish | cegar |
verschiedene German | |
Finnish | kaikenlainen |
vorstellen German | |
English | imagine |
Finnish | esitellä |
Norwegian | presentere |
Swedish | presentera |
verschieden German | |
Dutch | verschillend |
English | different |
Swedish | olik, olika |
verstören German | |
Swedish | förstöra |
verktygen Swedish | |
English | the tools |
French | les outils |
German | das Werkzeug |
Verstauchung German | |
English | sprain |
verstanden German | |
Swedish | kommit överens |
Verständigung German | |
Swedish | förståelse |
verstümmeln German | |
English | maim |
vergeuden German | |
English | waste |
vierseitig German | |
English | quadrilateral |
verständig German | |
English | intelligent |
versatile English | |
Swedish | mångsidig, mångsidiga, allsidig |
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