Searched for Vertrieb in the dictionary.
Vertrieb German | |
Czech | distribuce |
Danish | varedistribution |
Dutch | commerciële distributie |
English | market, distributive trades |
Finnish | kaupallinen jakelu |
French | distribution commerciale |
Greek | εμπoρική διαvoμή |
Hungarian | elosztó kereskedelem |
Italian | distribuzione commerciale |
Latvian | sadales tirdzniecība |
Polish | zbyt |
Portuguese | distribuição comercial |
Slovenian | distribucija in prodaja |
Spanish | distribución comercial |
Swedish | varudistribution |
vertreten German | |
English | represent |
Swedish | representera, företräda |
vertere Latin | |
Swedish | vända |
vertragen German | |
Swedish | tåla |
vertraut German | |
English | familiar, intimate |
Swedish | förtrogen |
vierter German | |
Finnish | neljäs |
Vertrag German | |
English | contract |
Norwegian | kontrakt |
vertreffen German | |
Swedish | representera |
verdure English | |
Swedish | grönska |
Vertreter German | |
English | representative |
vertrekken Dutch | |
German | abahren |
Vertrauen German | |
English | trust, confidence |
verdrehen German | |
English | twist |
vertrokken German | |
English | v |
verder Dutch | |
German | weiter |
verdorren German | |
English | wither |
vereitert German | |
English | ulcerated |
verdrießen German | |
English | grieve |
vertraglich German | |
English | contractual |
verdrahten German | |
English | wire |
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