a pair of socks

Searched for a pair of socks in the dictionary.
Swedish: sockor, strumpor

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

a pair of socks English

Swedishsockor, strumpor

a pair of shoes English

Swedishett par skor

a pair of skies English

Swedishett par skidor

a pair of scales English

Swedishen våg

a pair of skates English

Swedishett par skridskor

a pair of jeans English

Swedishett par jeans

a pair of shoe English

Swedishett par skor

a pair of pincers English

Swedishen hovtång

a pair of pliers English

Swedishen avbitartång

a pair of scissors English

Swedishsax, en sax

a pair of English

Germanein Paar
Swedishett par

a pair of pyjamas English

Swedishen pyjamas

a pair of trousers English


a pair of binoculars English

Swedishen kikare

a pair of compasses English

Swedishen passare

a pair of tweezers English

Swedishen pincett