a stack of

Searched for a stack of in the dictionary.
Swedish: en trave

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

a stack of English

Swedishen trave

a stasera Italian

Swedishvi ses ikväll

aktstycke Swedish


aktstycket Swedish

Germandie Akte

act as if English

Swedishuppträda som om

awestuck English

Swedishfylld av djup respekt

asiatisk Swedish

Englishasiatic, Asian, asian

as god as English

Swedishså bra som

ascites Latin


as it is English

Swedishsom det är

asiatic English


acetic English


ascetic English

Swedishasket, asketisk

asiatiska Swedish


act as English

Swedishtjäna som, tjänstgöra som

akta sig Swedish

GermanAcht geben

akut accent Swedish

Frenchaccent aigu

asutaja Estonian
