Searched for aandacht in the dictionary.
German: Aufmerksamkeit
aandacht Dutch | |
German | Aufmerksamkeit |
Andacht German | |
Swedish | andakt, andäktighet, andaktsstund, bön |
andakt Swedish | |
English | devotion |
German | Andacht |
andas Spanish | |
Swedish | du går |
andas ut Swedish | |
English | exhale, let out one's breath |
antagit Swedish | |
English | admits |
andas Swedish | |
English | breath, breathe, respire, is breathing |
French | respirer |
German | atmen |
andjakt Swedish | |
English | duck shooting |
aandacht vor Dutch | |
German | Aufmerksamkeit für |
antagen Swedish | |
German | angenommen |
antag Swedish | |
English | suppose |
andáis Spanish | |
Swedish | ni går |
andas in Swedish | |
English | sniff, inhale |
antaga Swedish | |
English | accept, assume |
antas Swedish | |
English | is supposed |
antics English | |
Swedish | upptåg, spratt |
andocken German | |
Swedish | docka |
antica Italian | |
Swedish | antik |
antico Italian | |
Swedish | gammal, antik |
antichar French | |
Swedish | pansarvärns- |
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