all-time hit
Searched for all-time hit in the dictionary.
Swedish: allra största hit
all-time hit English | |
Swedish | allra största hit |
all-time-low English | |
Swedish | bottennivå |
all-time English | |
Swedish | alla tiders |
allotment English | |
Swedish | fördelning |
allt mer Swedish | |
English | increasingly |
alltmer Swedish | |
English | more and more, gradually, increasingly |
altimeter English | |
Swedish | höjdmätare |
allaitement French | |
Swedish | ammning |
allt möjligt Swedish | |
English | all sorts of things, whatnot, all kinds of things, all sorts of things |
German | allerhand, alles Mögliche |
Spanish | de todo, de todos |
allting Swedish | |
English | everything, all sorts of things |
French | tout |
German | alles |
allt annat Swedish | |
German | alles andere |
altmis Turkish | |
Swedish | sextio |