Searched for allocution in the dictionary.
Swedish: anförande, tal
allocution French | |
Swedish | anförande, tal |
allocation French | |
Swedish | bidrag, understöd |
allocation English | |
Swedish | tilldelning |
allegation English | |
Swedish | anklagelse, påstående |
allocated English | |
Swedish | tilldelat, placerad, tilldelad |
allocataire French | |
Swedish | bidragstagare, understödstagare |
allegations English | |
Swedish | anklagelser |
allocates English | |
Swedish | tilldelar |
allégation French | |
Swedish | citat, påstående, åberopande |
allseitig German | |
Swedish | allsidig, allmän |
alligator Swedish | |
English | alligator |
algodon Spanish | |
Swedish | bomull |
alligator English | |
German | Alligator |
Swedish | alligator |
alligatorn Swedish | |
German | der Alligator |
Alligator German | |
English | alligator |
algodão Portuguese | |
Czech | bavlna |
Danish | bomuld |
Dutch | katoen |
English | cotton |
Finnish | puuvilla |
French | coton |
German | Baumwolle |
Greek | βαμβάκι |
Hungarian | gyapot |
Italian | cotone |
Latvian | kokvilna |
Polish | bawełna |
Slovenian | bombaž |
Spanish | algodón |
Swedish | bomull |
allseits German | |
Swedish | överallt, från alla håll, på alla håll, allmänt |
algotņi Latvian | |
Czech | žoldnéř |
Danish | lejesoldat |
Dutch | huurling |
English | mercenary |
Finnish | palkkasotilas |
French | mercenaire |
German | Söldner |
Greek | μισθoφόρoς |
Hungarian | zsoldos |
Italian | mercenario |
Polish | wojsko najemne |
Portuguese | mercenário |
Slovenian | plačanec |
Spanish | mercenario |
Swedish | legosoldat |
aliquot Latin | |
Swedish | några |
allsidig Swedish | |
English | comprehensive, all-round, versatile |
German | allseitig |
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