apple juice
Searched for apple juice in the dictionary.
German: Apfelsaft, Swedish: äppeljuice
apple juice English | |
German | Apfelsaft |
Swedish | äppeljuice |
applesauce English | |
German | Apfelmus, Schmus |
apple-sauce English | |
Swedish | äppelmos |
applejack English | |
German | Apfelschnaps |
apelsin juice Swedish | |
English | orange juice |
French | jus d'orange |
apelsinjuice Swedish | |
English | orange juice |
French | du jus d'orange, jus d'orange |
Spanish | naranjada, zumo de naranja, jugo de naranja |
applause English | |
German | Applaus |
Swedish | applåd, applåderar |
apple crumble English | |
Swedish | smulpaj med äpple |
apelsinjuicen Swedish | |
French | le jus d'orange |
German | der Orangesaft, der Orangensaft |
Spanish | el zumo de naranja |
apologetic English | |
German | entschuldigend |
Swedish | ursäktande |
apple-cart English | |
Swedish | ställa till trassel |
appelsiini Finnish | |
German | Apfelsine |
Swedish | apelsin |
applicable English | |
Spanish | aplicable |
Swedish | tillämplig |
apologize English | |
German | entschuldigen, sich entschuldigen |
Swedish | ursäkta, be om ursäkt, förlåta, ursäkta sig, urskulda |
application English | |
German | Auflegung, Bewerbung |
Swedish | tillämpning, ansökan, applikation |
apples English | |
German | Aepfel |
Swedish | äpplen |
a place English | |
French | un site, un endroit |
applies English | |
Swedish | gäller |
applikation Swedish | |
English | application |
applicera Swedish | |
English | apply to |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.