Searched for biscotto in the dictionary.
Swedish: kex
biscotto Italian | |
Swedish | kex |
biscotte French | |
Swedish | skorpa |
bisciut English | |
Swedish | kex |
boycott English | |
Swedish | bojkott |
boicoteo Spanish | |
Swedish | bojkott |
biscuit English | |
German | Keks |
Swedish | kaka, kex, småkaka |
boceto Spanish | |
Swedish | skiss, utkast |
bisté Spanish | |
Swedish | biffstek, stek |
boicot Spanish | |
Swedish | bojkott |
basto Spanish | |
Swedish | ohyfsad, rå, oborstad, grov, obearbetad, opolerad, sträv |
besatt Swedish | |
English | possessed, obsessed, occupied |
busto Spanish | |
Swedish | byst, bröstbild, barm, bröstkorg, överkropp |
bojkotta Swedish | |
Spanish | boicotear |
bist German | |
English | are |
Norwegian | er |
Croatian | si |
bosatt Swedish | |
English | resident |
buscado Spanish | |
Swedish | eftersökt |
bigote Spanish | |
Swedish | mustasch |
bojkott Swedish | |
English | boycott |
Spanish | boicot, boicoteo |
besätta Swedish | |
English | occupy |
beskatta Swedish | |
English | tax, assess |
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