bli avbruten

Searched for bli avbruten in the dictionary.
English: be cut off

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

bli avbruten Swedish

Englishbe cut off

bli verklig Swedish

Englishcome true

bli övergiven Swedish

Englishbe let down

bli frisk Swedish

Englishgrow healthy, recover, get well

bli fri Swedish

Englishbe free

bli berömd Swedish

Englishbecome famous
Germanberühmt werden

blåbären Swedish

Germandie Heidelbeeren, die Blaubeere

bli beroende Swedish

Englishbecome addiced, become addicted

bli förkyld Swedish

Englishcatch a cold
Germansich erkälten

bli upprörd Swedish

Englishget upset
Germansich empören

bli överfallen Swedish

Englishget jumped

bli opererad Swedish

Englishgo under the knife

bli berörd Swedish

Englishget to me