Searched for cages in the dictionary.
Swedish: burar
cages English | |
Swedish | burar |
cases English | |
Swedish | fall |
cakes English | |
German | Kuchen |
causes English | |
Swedish | orsakar |
caigas Spanish | |
Swedish | du ramlar |
cokes Dutch | |
Czech | koks |
Danish | koks |
English | coke |
Finnish | koksi |
French | coke |
German | Koks |
Greek | oπτάvθρακας |
Hungarian | koksz |
Italian | coke |
Latvian | kokss |
Polish | koks |
Portuguese | coque |
Slovenian | koks |
Spanish | coque |
Swedish | koks |
ceases English | |
Swedish | upphör |
cicos Spanish | |
Swedish | pojkar |
cosas Spanish | |
Swedish | saker |
caucus English | |
Swedish | valkommitté, valmöte |
cejas Spanish | |
English | eyebrows |
Swedish | ögonbryn |
caecus Latin | |
Swedish | blind |
chicas Spanish | |
Swedish | flickor, tjejer |
chicos Spanish | |
Swedish | pojkar, killar |
chassis English | |
Swedish | chassi, underreden, ram |
cheques English | |
Swedish | checkar |
cookies English | |
Swedish | småkakor, hårda kex, kakor, kex |
caigáis Spanish | |
Swedish | ni ramlar |
COSAC Latvian | |
Czech | Evropský armádní sbor |
Danish | Eurocorps |
Dutch | Europees leger |
English | European army corps |
Finnish | Eurooppalaiset yhteisjoukot |
French | Corps européen |
German | Euro-Korps |
Greek | ευρωπαϊκό στρατιωτικό σώμα |
Hungarian | Európa-hadtest |
Italian | Corpo militare europeo |
Polish | Eurokorpus |
Portuguese | Eurocorpo |
Slovenian | Evrokorpus |
Spanish | Cuerpo de Ejército Europeo |
Swedish | Eurocorps |
chosig Swedish | |
German | affektiert |
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