Searched for cinzento in the dictionary.
Swedish: grå
cinzento Portuguese | |
Swedish | grå |
cincuenta Spanish | |
English | 50 |
Swedish | 50, femtio |
consents English | |
Swedish | ger sitt medgivande |
consent English | |
Swedish | samtycke, medgivande, bejaka, samtycka, bifall, ge sitt samtycke, gå med på det, tillåtelse |
cinq cents French | |
Swedish | 500, femhundra |
cinquanta Italian | |
Swedish | 50, femtio |
cinq-cent French | |
Swedish | 500 |
cinquante French | |
Swedish | femtio, 50 |
censimento Italian | |
Czech | census |
Danish | optælling |
Dutch | telling |
English | census |
Finnish | väestönlaskenta |
French | recensement |
German | Zählung |
Greek | απoγραφή |
Hungarian | teljes körű felmérés |
Latvian | skaitīšana |
Polish | spis powszechny |
Portuguese | recenseamento |
Slovenian | popis |
Spanish | censo |
Swedish | folkräkning |
connexion English | |
Swedish | förbindelse |
consciente Spanish | |
Swedish | medveten |
chansen Swedish | |
German | die Chance -n, die Chance |
consumo Italian | |
Czech | spotřeba |
Danish | forbrug |
Dutch | verbruik |
English | consumption |
Finnish | kulutus |
French | consommation |
German | Verbrauch |
Greek | καταvάλωση |
Hungarian | fogyasztás |
Latvian | patēriņš |
Polish | konsumpcja |
Portuguese | consumo |
Slovenian | potrošnja |
Spanish | consumo |
Swedish | konsumtion |
concentric English | |
Swedish | koncentriska |
consumo Portuguese | |
Czech | spotřeba |
Danish | forbrug |
Dutch | verbruik |
English | consumption |
Finnish | kulutus |
French | consommation |
German | Verbrauch |
Greek | καταvάλωση |
Hungarian | fogyasztás |
Italian | consumo |
Latvian | patēriņš |
Polish | konsumpcja |
Slovenian | potrošnja |
Spanish | consumo |
Swedish | konsumtion |
consentire Latin | |
German | zustimmen |
consensus English | |
Swedish | samstämmighet, enighet, överensstämmelse |
consumo Spanish | |
Czech | spotřeba |
Danish | forbrug |
Dutch | verbruik |
English | consumption |
Finnish | kulutus |
French | consommation |
German | Verbrauch |
Greek | καταvάλωση |
Hungarian | fogyasztás |
Italian | consumo |
Latvian | patēriņš |
Polish | konsumpcja |
Portuguese | consumo |
Slovenian | potrošnja |
Swedish | konsumtion |
congenital English | |
Swedish | komplett, medfödd |
consument Dutch | |
Czech | spotřebitel |
Danish | forbruger |
English | consumer |
Finnish | kuluttaja |
French | consommateur |
German | Verbraucher |
Greek | καταvαλωτής |
Hungarian | fogyasztó |
Italian | consumatore |
Latvian | patērētājs |
Polish | konsument |
Portuguese | consumidor |
Slovenian | potrošnik |
Spanish | consumidor |
Swedish | konsument |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.