Searched for competion in the dictionary.
Swedish: tävling
competion English | |
Swedish | tävling |
competiton English | |
Swedish | tävling |
competition English | |
Czech | soutěž |
Danish | konkurrence |
Dutch | concurrentie |
Finnish | kilpailu |
French | concurrence |
German | Wettbewerb |
Greek | αvταγωvισμός |
Hungarian | verseny |
Italian | concorrenza |
Latvian | konkurence |
Polish | konkurencja |
Portuguese | concorrência |
Slovenian | konkurenca |
Spanish | competencia |
Swedish | tävling, tävla, tävlings-, tävlan, konkurrens, motstånd |
competitor English | |
German | Wettbewerber |
Swedish | konkurrent, tävlande, konkurent, motståndare |
competes English | |
Swedish | tävlar |
computing English | |
Swedish | beräkning, datorkunskap, användandet av datorer |
compete English | |
Finnish | kilpailla |
German | messen, im Wettbewerb stehen |
Swedish | tävla, konkurrera |
competent English | |
Swedish | kompetent, duglig |
compatriot English | |
Swedish | landsman |
competitors English | |
Swedish | konkurrenter |
compito Italian | |
Swedish | läxa, uppgift |
computation English | |
Swedish | beräkning |
conniption English | |
Swedish | hysteriskt anfall, raseriutbrott |
compatible English | |
Swedish | kompatibel, överensstämmande, ihoppassande, förenliga |
computer English | |
Czech | počítač |
Danish | datamat |
Dutch | computer |
Estonian | arvuti |
Finnish | tietokone |
French | ordinateur |
German | Computer, Datenverarbeitungsanlage |
Greek | υπολογιστής, ηλεκτρovικός υπoλoγιστής |
Hungarian | számítógép |
Italian | calcolatore, calcolatore elettronico |
Japanese | konpyuutaa, コンピュータ |
Latvian | dators |
Polish | komputer |
Portuguese | computador |
Russian | компьютер |
Slovenian | računalnik |
Spanish | computadora, ordenador |
Swedish | dator |
competición Spanish | |
Swedish | tävling |
competency English | |
Swedish | kompetens |
compatriota Spanish | |
Swedish | landsman |
compete for English | |
Swedish | tävla om |
compote English | |
Czech | kompot |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.