Searched for confrontation in the dictionary.
Swedish: konfrontering
confrontation English | |
Swedish | konfrontering |
confrontational English | |
Swedish | byggd på konfrontation, konfrontations- |
confirmation English | |
Swedish | bekräftelse, konfirmation, stadfästelse |
confront English | |
Swedish | möta, konfrontera, stå iansikte mot, ta itu med, stå ansikte mot ansikte med |
conversation English | |
German | Gespräch, Informationsaustausch, Unterhaltung |
Swedish | konversation, samtal |
confortable French | |
Swedish | bekväm |
conform to English | |
Swedish | anpassa sig till |
comprension Spanish | |
German | Verständnis |
convertion English | |
Swedish | konvertering |
conversion English | |
German | Umsetzung, Umwandlung |
Swedish | förvandling, omvandling, omvändelse |
conversatoin English | |
Swedish | samtal |
comprato Italian | |
Swedish | köpt |
confiar en Spanish | |
Swedish | lita på |
comfortably English | |
Swedish | bekvämt |
compression English | |
Swedish | kompression |
comforting English | |
Swedish | tröstande, lugnande |
comfortable English | |
German | komfortabel, angenhem, behaglich |
Spanish | cómodo |
Swedish | bekväm, skön, bekvämt, väl till mods, skönt, bekväma |
comprehension English | |
Swedish | fattningsförmåga, förståelse, uppfattning |
confraternity English | |
Swedish | brödraskap |
conform with English | |
Swedish | överensstämma med |
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