connecting rod

Searched for connecting rod in the dictionary.
Swedish: vevstake

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

connecting rod English


connecting tower English


connection English

GermanAnschluß, Verbindung, Zusammenhang
Swedishanslutning, ansluting, förbindelse, kontakt, samband, sammanhang, koppling

connected to English

Swedishkopplad till

connected English

Swedishförbunden, kopplad, förenad

connections English


connected by English

Swedishsammanbundna av

connect English

Germanangeschlossenen, anschließen, verbinden, verknüpfen
Swedishkoppla, förbinda, förena, ha något att göra med, ansluta, sätta fast, sätta i samband, anknyta

connected with English

Swedishförbunden med