das Gewall
Searched for das Gewall in the dictionary.
das Gewall German | |
Swedish | våldet |
das Cello German | |
Swedish | cellon |
das All German | |
Swedish | världsaltet, universum |
das Ziel German | |
Swedish | målet |
da igual Spanish | |
Swedish | det gör detsamma |
das Öl German | |
Swedish | oljan |
das Kilo German | |
Portuguese | o quilo |
das Klo German | |
Swedish | toan |
du skall Swedish | |
English | you'll |
dekal Swedish | |
German | Abziehbild |
daggle English | |
Swedish | släpa i väta |
du sel French | |
Swedish | salt |
deshiela Spanish | |
Swedish | dimma |
die Seele German | |
Swedish | själen |
degel Swedish | |
English | crucible |
die Zhal German | |
Swedish | siffran |
die Auswahl German | |
Swedish | urvalet, utbudet |
die Zelle German | |
Swedish | cellen |
die Zeile German | |
Swedish | raden |
die Kohle German | |
Swedish | kolet |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.