de skulle ge
Searched for de skulle ge in the dictionary.
English: they were going to give
de skulle ge Swedish | |
English | they were going to give |
de skulle sluta Swedish | |
French | elles finiraient |
du skall gå Swedish | |
Latin | adeas |
de säljer Swedish | |
French | ils vendent |
du skulle sluta Swedish | |
French | tu finirais |
de skulle sälja Swedish | |
French | elles vendraient |
du collège French | |
Swedish | på högstadieskolan |
du säljer Swedish | |
French | tu vends |
du skulle sälja Swedish | |
French | tu vendrais |
deselected English | |
Swedish | bortvald |
deyslexia English | |
Swedish | dyslexi |
de sol a sol Spanish | |
Swedish | från soluppgång till solnedgång |
das alles German | |
Swedish | allt detta |
di ciliegie Italian | |
Swedish | körsbärs- |
décollage French | |
Swedish | uppstigning |