Searched for decimate in the dictionary.
Swedish: decimera
decimate English | |
Swedish | decimera |
decimeter Swedish | |
English | decimetre |
decimetre English | |
Swedish | decimeter |
decametre English | |
Swedish | decameter |
decente Spanish | |
English | decent |
decameter Swedish | |
English | decametre |
decanter English | |
Swedish | karaff |
deckhand English | |
Swedish | jungman |
descente French | |
Swedish | nedfart |
decant English | |
Swedish | dekantera |
decent English | |
Spanish | decente |
Swedish | passande, anständig, hyfsad, städad, hygglig, lämplig, ordentlig, schysst, skaplig, vettig, snäll, ganska bra, tillbörlig, ärbar |
docente Dutch | |
German | Dozentin |
descent English | |
Swedish | sluttning, färd utför, nedfärd, härstamning, nedgång, nedstigning |
deck-hand English | |
Swedish | däcksgast, jungman |
descendre French | |
Swedish | gå ned, gå ner, gå av, slutta |
dogmatic English | |
Spanish | dogmático |
descuento Spanish | |
Czech | diskontování |
Danish | diskonto |
Dutch | disconto |
English | discounting |
Finnish | diskonttaus |
French | escompte |
German | Diskont |
Greek | πρoεξόφληση |
Hungarian | leszámítolás |
Italian | sconto |
Latvian | diskontēšana |
Polish | dyskonto |
Portuguese | desconto bancário |
Slovenian | diskontiranje |
Swedish | diskontering |
duecento Italian | |
Swedish | tvåhundra, 200 |
dismayed English | |
Swedish | bestört, förskräckt |
docent English | |
Swedish | docent |
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