der Rand -er+
Searched for der Rand -er+ in the dictionary.
der Rand -er+ German | |
Swedish | utkanten |
der andere German | |
Swedish | den andra |
der Wind weht German | |
Swedish | vinden blåser |
darrande Swedish | |
English | trembling, jittery |
German | zitternd |
der Hund bellt German | |
Swedish | hunden skäller |
der Indianer German | |
Swedish | indianen |
der Rentner German | |
Swedish | pensionären |
der Handy German | |
Swedish | mobilen |
der Handball -e+ German | |
Swedish | handbollen |
der Hintern German | |
Swedish | ändan |
der Wandertag German | |
Swedish | friluftsdag |
der Winter German | |
Swedish | vinter, vintern |
der Handball German | |
English | handball |
Swedish | handbollen |
door handle English | |
Swedish | dörrhandtag |
der Eindruck German | |
Swedish | intrycket |
der Wind German | |
Portuguese | o vento |
Swedish | vinden, blåsten |
der Hund German | |
Swedish | hunden |
der Rundfunk German | |
Swedish | radion |
der Meter German | |
Portuguese | o metro |
der Rundflug German | |
Swedish | flygrundturen |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.