det konstiga
Searched for det konstiga in the dictionary.
English: the funny thing, the strange thing, Swedish: the strange thing
det konstiga Swedish | |
English | the funny thing, the strange thing |
det konstiga English | |
Swedish | the strange thing |
det konstiga är Swedish | |
English | the strange thing is |
det känns bra Swedish | |
English | it feels nice |
det kanske kan Swedish | |
English | it might |
det senaste Swedish | |
English | the past |
det okända Swedish | |
Spanish | lo oculto |
det syns Swedish | |
English | it shows |
det kunde Swedish | |
Latin | poterat |
det knackar Swedish | |
English | there is a knock |
German | es klopft |
det kommer Swedish | |
German | es kommt |
det kan Swedish | |
Spanish | puede |
det sämsta Swedish | |
English | the worst |
Spanish | lo peor |
det senare Swedish | |
English | the letter |
det snöar Swedish | |
English | it is snowing, it's snowing |
Finnish | lumisadetta |
French | il neige, la neige |
German | es schneit |
Spanish | llueve, nieva |
detsamma Swedish | |
English | same to you |
Estonian | seesama, sellesama |
det kan börja Swedish | |
German | es kann losgehen |
det som minst Swedish | |
Spanish | lo que menos |
det känns som Swedish | |
French | j'ai l'impression |
det kan hända Swedish | |
German | das kann passieren |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.