det stämmer
Searched for det stämmer in the dictionary.
English: good point, that's right, German: das stimmt, French: c'est exact
det stämmer Swedish | |
English | good point, that's right |
French | c'est exact |
German | das stimmt |
Det stämmer! Swedish | |
Estonian | Õige! |
det stänger Swedish | |
Spanish | cierra |
det Stürmer German | |
Swedish | anfallsspelaren |
det står Swedish | |
English | it says, it stands |
det största Swedish | |
English | the biggest, the largest |
detektorer Swedish | |
English | detectors |
detestable English | |
Swedish | avskyvärd |
de tjuter Swedish | |
Russian | они воют |
det står här Swedish | |
English | it says here |
det sägs att Swedish | |
French | il paraît que |
detektor Swedish | |
English | detector |
detektiven Swedish | |
Spanish | el detective, la detective |
Det stämmer inte! Swedish | |
German | Stimmt nicht! |
detective English | |
Swedish | detektiv |
detest English | |
Swedish | avsky |
detector English | |
Swedish | detektor |
detectable English | |
Swedish | spårbar |
detective Spanish | |
Swedish | detektiv |
detectar Spanish | |
Swedish | upptäcka |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.