Searched for dubbelhet in the dictionary.
English: duplicity
dubbelhet Swedish | |
English | duplicity |
dubbelt Swedish | |
English | twice |
dubblett Swedish | |
English | duplicate |
dobbelthuset Danish | |
German | das Doppelhaus |
dublett Swedish | |
English | double |
dyblöt Swedish | |
English | soaking, drenched |
German | klatschnass |
de balde Spanish | |
Swedish | gratis, till skänks |
du poulet French | |
Swedish | kyckling |
doppelt German | |
English | double, twice, doubel |
Swedish | dubbel |
dobbeltrom Norwegian | |
German | Doppelzimmer |
dubbeldörr Swedish | |
Spanish | puerta de dos batientes |
dubbeltydig Swedish | |
French | ambigu, ambiguë |
diabilder Swedish | |
English | slides |
dubbeltimme Swedish | |
English | double |
du flyter Swedish | |
Spanish | flotas |
die Flut German | |
Swedish | tidvattensvågen, vattenmassan |
die Felder German | |
Swedish | planerna |
defiled English | |
Swedish | befläckad, vanhelgad |
diabild Swedish | |
English | slide, diapositiv |
default English | |
German | Unterlassung, Versäumnis, vorgegeben |
Swedish | försumma |
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