Searched for elders in the dictionary.
German: Älteste
elders English | |
German | Älteste |
eldery English | |
Swedish | äldre |
elder English | |
Czech | starší |
Swedish | fläder |
elderly English | |
German | ältlich |
Spanish | anciano |
Swedish | äldre, åldrig, äldre man |
Eltern German | |
Norwegian | forelder |
Portuguese | Pais |
Croatian | roditelji |
el tiro Spanish | |
Swedish | skottet |
el toro Spanish | |
Swedish | tjuren |
el otro Spanish | |
Swedish | den andra, det andra |
el truco Spanish | |
Swedish | tricket |
el trato Spanish | |
Swedish | avtalet |
el trozo Spanish | |
Swedish | biten, stycket |
el adorno Spanish | |
Swedish | prydnaden, utsmyckningen |
el diario Spanish | |
Swedish | dagstidningen, dagboken |
el líder Spanish | |
Swedish | ledaren |
el trigo Spanish | |
Swedish | vetet |
el torero Spanish | |
Swedish | tjurfäktare, tjurfäktaren |
el toreo Spanish | |
Swedish | tjurfäktning |
el derecho Spanish | |
Swedish | rättigheten |
el traje Spanish | |
Swedish | kostymen, dräkten |
el turron Spanish | |
Swedish | spanskt julgodis |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.